Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy


Personal Information Protection Policy

PT. NSSOL SYSTEMS INDONESIA (“NSIDN”) recognizes and respects the importance of privacy and is committed to carefully handling personal information and to protecting privacy. The Personal Information Protection Policy is set forth below and NSIDN will comply with this Policy in all its business activities.

  1. NSIDN will appoint Data Management Officer who will be responsible for compliance with respect to protection of personal information (including Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information). NSIDN will ensure that each officer and employee and other involved personnel of NSIDN understands and complies with this Policy, and that personal information will be duly protected.
  2. NSIDN will collect personal information in a legitimate and appropriate manner, based on consent of the data subject individual to the Processing and to the purpose of use, unless otherwise permitted by law. If NSIDN collects personal information through an intermediary, the purpose of use will be notified and other relevant information will be provided on NSIDN's website.
    When NSIDN collects Individual Numbers, it will be done in accordance with the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure, and NSIDN will use them only for the purposes specified under the said Act.
  3. NSIDN will use personal information only within the purposes of use to which a consent is given or which is notified as described in the preceding section, with limited access given only to duly authorized personnel. NSIDN will not use personal information beyond such purposes of use, and necessary measures will be taken to prevent improper use.
  4. NSIDN will take all necessary security measures with respect to collection, use, transfer, storage, deletion and disposal of personal information to prevent leakage, destruction, loss or tampering. If any incident occurs, NSIDN will promptly take remedial actions.
  5. NSIDN will not share personal information it collects with any third party without consent of the individual, other than with subcontractors or as otherwise permitted by law.
    NSIDN will provide Specific Personal Information to a third party, including a subcontractor, only for the purpose of conducting certain procedures stipulated under the relevant laws.
  6. When NSIDN outsources handling of personal information to a subcontractor, NSIDN will execute a necessary contract with each such subcontractor and will ensure that proper security supervision is exercised.
  7. NSIDN will respond to claims, inquiries, and requests regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, or other handling of personal information in accordance with the procedures separately set out by NSIDN.
  8. NSIDN will abide by all applicable laws, administrative rules, guidelines and ordinances with respect to the Processing of personal information, and NSIDN will continue to review, improve and enhance its personal information management system.
Adopted: July 1, 2024
Yosuke Nakanishi, President Director