CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NSSOL Indonesia's Idul Adha Qurban Donation 2024: Sacrificing with Charity

publish date28 June 2024
category Corporate Social Responsibility
NSSOL Indonesia's Idul Adha Qurban Donation 2024


Eid al-Adha is an Islamic celebration with a prominent cultural significance in Indonesia that is strongly associated with the concept of sacrifice. By offering a sacrificial animal for the occasion, it highlights the important religious values of generosity and kindness towards others as human beings. Following the significance of Eid al-Adha's value of generosity, religious tolerance in our multicultural society and the yearly corporate social responsibility agenda, NSIDN sacrificial livestock animals (qurban) for Eid al-Adha to one of the local mosques in Jabodetabek. This year's Eid al-Adha's CSR initiative was held in Masjid al-Barokah, located in the residential areas of Karawaci territory in Tangerang. The qurban donated by NSIDN were two healthy cows and the meats taken from the qurban were later properly distributed to the residents.

Eid al-Adha 2024

The Eid al-Adha events started off with cutting and skinning off the goats, then the procession to cut and dismember the cows took place later, a little late in the morning. True to the Indonesian value of mutual cooperations, male residents within the area were tasked to butcher and distribute the meats, whereas the female residents were responsible for the kitchen duty to prepare the meat into dishes to be consumed. Employee representatives from NSIDN, including the host Mr. Ali Maksum were present during the slaughtering process and took photos with the local cleric to officiate the handover of the sacrificial animal. The events lasted for half a day until the lunch break in the afternoon where NSIDN employees also mingled around with the locals. NSIDN's visit has been personally appreciated by the representatives of the residents and clerics alike.

“This initiative reflects our deep-rooted belief in giving back to the community and fostering a spirit of unity. By engaging in such cultural and religious events, we strengthen our commitment to social harmony and mutual respect. Our employees gain a richer understanding of the diverse traditions that shape our society,” said Yosuke Nakanishi, President Director of NSIDN.

This corporate social responsibility program is a testament to NSIDN's commitment to offer positive contributions to society's development and well-being, and part of its workplace value to promote diversity and religious tolerance. NSIDN hopes that its efforts could inspire others to embrace and celebrate our shared values of generosity and compassion.

Finally, NSIDN offers the best wishes for this year's Eid al-Adha and may all the sacrifices offered give us bountiful amounts of blessings this year.